mercredi 27 novembre 2013

DRC natural resources press review of Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The province of Kasai - Oriental undertakes to intervene to revive the hydroelectric Tshiala owned Mining Bakwanga ( MIBA ) in order to cope with the lack of power prevailing in Mbuji -Mayi recent weeks, says radio Okapi . An amount of 50,000 U.S. was given the weekend to Enerka , which sells electricity in this city , to accelerate work troubleshooting machinery and power back up more than 10 megawatts . Currently , the plant produces only 2 megawatts , while its expected capacity of 18 megawatts . Electricity needs of the MIBA would be filled with 10 or 12 megawatts , the amount being sought to increase the illumination of the diamond city.

Leave Kasai Oriental to Katanga where, according to Prosperité newspaper , The Carter Center urges the Government of the DRC to ensure that all transactions and income flows of mining companies belonging to the State, and, particular , the General quarries and mines ( Gécamines ) are transparent to preserve the public interest. The intention of Gécamines to sell its shares in Kamoto Copper Company (KCC ) is similar to recent sales of undervalued state assets which have already cost over a billion dollars in the DRC, who gets information about the newspaper an article in the publication Atlanta.The Agency Ecofin notes that the copper deposit Judeira in Kipoi project in the DRC , would conceal about 6.1 million tonnes of Inferred resources at 1.2 % copper for 71,000 tonnes of contained metal , announced November 26 Tiger Resources Ltd . " The estimation of untapped resources Judeira is a crucial step in increasing the resources available to be treated SXEW plant Kipoi 6 km ," commented the CEO, Brad Marwood . The deposit is a Judeira surface mineralization that extends over 2,200 m, while the resource estimate included only a mineralized zone of 1600 m. Tiger Resources Ltd believes there is enough potential to go further drilling to help increase resources . The project covers 55 km2 Kipoi and full deposits which Kipoi Central, Kipoi North , Kileba , Judeira and Kaminafitwe.

The district commissioner of Lukaya Theodore Khumbu Ntula , recently allowed after refusing at first to welcome Msgr Fidèle Nsielele office , Bishop of Kisantu to finally get without doing sit, scream on him as if it were any bare- feet. In case the concession to the Diocese of Kisantu Kikonka part of which has been illegally subdivided by the local cadastre apparently on the orders of the current District Commissioner , reports the Observateur . According to the newspaper , the Bishop of Kisantu had moved itself to illuminate the religion of the district authority itself fully involved in this case , the history of this concession.

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