mardi 26 novembre 2013

DRC natural resources press review of Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The consultation committee Muanda structure presented as the spokesperson of the population of this city with the oil companies operating there, said he did not agree with the findings of senators accusing the company Perenco pollute the region of Bas- Congo , radio Okapi announces . The chairman of this committee , Kiki Kiatonda , said that without the oil business, would Muanda village. According to the UN radio , the chairman consultation Muanda said senators should address this issue in a comprehensive and non-sectoral manner , explaining that oil traders and company Socir also exploit the oil Muanda .
The press also echoed the oral question with debate addressed to the Minister for Finance , Patrice Kitebi by Senator Musendu Flora , chairman of the Senate inquiry on oil exploitation in Muanda . According to the Phare , the Senate criticizes the legal vacuum around the responsibility of oil companies. " In total, two senators have sought and obtained the floor , namely She Okitundu and Emery Kalamba , the newspaper writes . Both have criticized the legal confusion or emptiness that surrounds the responsibility of the oil companies. Reason that the upper chamber has refused to take the risk to build on an issue that poses a serious problem of legal basis . Mr. Emery Kalamba mentioned , about two texts of laws, namely the 1981 Act and the 2011 before question why the government would support the contract with Perenco . " The newspaper pointed out that the minister admitted that he was not sporting his comfort to bring light sought through issues related to the environment and hydrocarbons.

" The President of the Senate on Monday asked the government to respond to the pollution of the territory of Muanda by oil exploration company Perenco ," announces the Potentiel related oral question with debate in the Senate yesterday . " Senator Flora Musendu wanted to know more , especially about the breakdown of 500 000 USD annually allocated to the central government for the training of officials in the oil , and the use of the $ 1,000,000 year affected by the oil companies to the central government for prospecting efforts , as well as the transfer accounting PERENCO - REF provision for cost estimated at $ 83 million at the end of 2011, while this sum abandonment should be housed at the Central Bank. According to the Minister for Finance , conventional and non-conventional funds , amounted to $ 300 000 and not 500 000 according to the Ministry of Hydrocarbons. Prior to indicate that the Ministry of Finance No. is not concerned with conventional funds . He also stressed that there is need to improve the management of these funds and the environment in Muanda as recommended by the Senate " , as the paper notes .On the subject of mining, Prosperité newspaper reports starting Friday, November 22, 2013 at the new plant of copper and cobalt plant called New Look. According to the newspaper , this mill is located Kambove , south of the city of Lubumbashi, on an area of ​​23.700 m² , not far from the huge deposit of copper and cobalt Kanfundwa . The plant has a production capacity of 600 tons per day of copper concentrates and cobalt content of 18%. This ultramodern plant has cost the General Career and mines ( Gécamines ) , more than 21 million U.S. dollars.

The Lake Tanganyika Authority ( LTA) , involving four countries bordering Lake Tanganyika in Burundi, Tanzania , Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo have been meeting since last Monday, November 25 . Objective: To reflect on the achievements recorded by the members of the Management Committee of ALT at the end of their term of 5 years , informs Forum des As underlining that organized by the Management Committee of the Lake Tanganyika Authority , the 6th two-day meeting , held in preparation for the conference of Ministers of Lake Tanganyika Authority which will take place on November 28 . In his opening remarks , the Director of the Office of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Jean Dieudonné Kavese Paluku , on behalf of Minister Jean -Chrysostome Vahamwiti noted that Lake Tanganyika is a common heritage of four riparian countries none of these states can not sustainably manage alone. Thus , the DRC takes this opportunity to renew its commitment , there are more than 10 years , signing the Convention which is the manifestation of its policy to cooperate with friendly countries and brothers in respect of the sovereignty of each will.

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