lundi 18 novembre 2013

DRC natural resources press review of Tuesday, November 19, 2013

"Rwanda remains attached to the DRC," titles the Potentiel which is why the end of the war and the dissolution of M23 have dealt a fatal blow to Kigali reactivated its lobbies in the DRC, in the Great Lakes region and the plan international that he gets to keep one foot in the eastern DRC . In Kigali , is his only way to survive and sustain its growth achieved on the back of natural resources in the DRC .The Ecofin Agency announces that Wednesday, November 15, 2013 , the Ministry of Mines held a official ceremony vehicles acquired funding Promines , senior managers and directors of divisions Mines executives. The ceremony, high color , took place at Central Motors warehouses , located avenue Metallurgy No. 41, in the town of Kingabwa . Speaking first, Yenga Mabolia the Promines coordinator , said that this event is " proof , once again , that the World Bank and the British cooperation , working together on the development and the improving governance in the mining sector of the DRC "

According to the newspaper Forum des As the Minister Remy Musungayi says that SMEs are the focus of industrial policy in the DRC. The newspaper said it was part of the celebration on November 20 the day of the industrialization of Africa and informs that Kinshasa home since last November 18 a regional workshop on the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs ) in Africa. Assize of these three days are jointly organized by the Ministry of Industry, Small and Medium Enterprises and the Commission of the African Union , under the theme : Promoting SMEs for inclusive and sustainable growth in Africa . "

The Botanical Garden Kisantu in the province of Bas -Congo is being upgraded , the newspaper  Forum des As indicating that the patron "Promo Kisantu Garden " and House Speaker German- Congolese Princess Odette Maniema Krempin has this site has a lot of important material for the beautification and restoration of this tourist site. The Garden, the largest in Africa , has a restaurant undergoes a major transformation . The intervention of this fellow is the result of an agreement between the Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation (ICCN ) and the Chamber of Commerce German- Congolese .

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