lundi 27 janvier 2014

DRC natural resources press review of Monday, January 27, 2014

The latest report by the NGO Global Witness published January 24 interested the press today . "According to Global Witness , the DRC refused to publish a deficit oil agreement with an offshore company " writes the Phare. According to the paper , the DRC signed an agreement to buy oil rights to a secret offshore company for an amount that is probably hundreds of times higher than the price paid by the company several years ago . The contract of the last sale was not published , which is contrary to the Congolese laws on transparency.

For Potentiel "Attacks against Nessergy around Cohydro - Sonangol contract : Global Witness is wrong ." According to the daily , the latest report from Global Witness has been used by some opinion to thwart negotiations underway to finalize the signing of new production sharing agreement between Angola and the DRC in the area of mutual interest ( Zic ) . The unfounded attacks and unfounded accusations show that the NGO is wrong and serves as a relay for destabilizing the DRC.

"Oil : Kinshasa runs a big risk ," announces Tempête des tropiques who believes that while the agreement between Sonangol and Cohydro via Nessergy benefit the DRC is being finalized , a report is to create discord . The daily stresses that well informed of negotiations between Angola and the DRC on a new agreement in the area of common interest people were not surprised by the timing of the last report by Global Witness on Nessergy . The negotiations are in their final phase, the parties are trying to sabotage the agreement that would free up capital and extraordinary value to the future of the DRC in the oil sector.

Also in the oil sector, the Phare reports that the DRC has suspended the adoption by Parliament of a draft law on hydrocarbons controversial to devote more time to the achievement of consulting work . Congolese MPs, donor governments , UNESCO and campaigners , including Global Witness , accused the law does not include any strong measures in the fight against corruption and environmental protection .

Remain on the protection of the environment where the Phare reports that Friday, January 24, 2014 , the General Secretariat for the Environment and Conservation , the Council for Environmental Defense by legality and traceability ( CODELT ), in partnership with the Centre for International Forestry Research ( CIFOR ) organized a workshop on " sharing information / knowledge on REDD + in the DRC ." According to the newspaper , along with other Central African countries , the DRC is committed to coordinating efforts for the conservation and sustainable management of forests.

To promote the development of the DRC, a research center for renewable energies inaugurated Saturday, January 25, 2014 Higher Institute of Applied Technical ( Ista ) to Kinhasa, announces the Phare . The Ista works in collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain. According to the newspaper , is to become a provider of solutions and components Infrastructure Electrification of rural areas there was the establishment of the research center .

In addition, three people were killed and another seriously injured in a landslide earth occurred on the night of Saturday, January 25 , in the city of Bukavu (South Kivu ) , Radio Okapi says . According to the mayor of the municipality of Kadutu This disaster is due to the rain that hit the provincial capital of South Kivu. The house where the victims ( a mother and two children ) slept was completely destroyed . Rainwater that have nowhere to dump end up in houses crumbling and dig erosions in this part of Bukavu. Measures demolitions were taken to demolish houses built on hazardous sites.

The same media also informs that the NGO Human Rights based in Bunia Equitas indicates that several species of fish are endangered in Lake Albert . According to the NGO , this river has only seven species of fish quarantine that were previously recorded. Equitas attributed the disappearance of fish in violation of the regulation of fishing in this lake. The closure of the fishery , which officially takes three months from 15 January of each year is not respected. Mathieu me Komanda responsible programs Equitas , accuses the union of fishermen not to comply with these regulations in 1935 .
In the same register, Radio Okapi reports that more than a month after the closure of the fishery in Katanga , the measure is variously applied . In other parts of the province , the closure of the fishery is not well respected , unlike Bukama , informs the local department responsible for fisheries monitoring . Local authorities welcome the intensification of the fight against illegal fishing possible . For the inspector of agriculture , fisheries and livestock land Bukama , respect for the suspension of fishing would be due to changing strategies this year different from those of last year .

The agency DIA (Documentation and Information for Africa) returns to artisanal mining and industrial Walikale . "After the report of the Episcopal Commission for Natural Resources (CERN) on" the impact of mining on the economy and social Walikale "in the province of North Kivu , the agency DIA went to collect the reaction of MP Juvenal Munubo elected Walikale on this subject . While sharing the opinions of the CERN Juvenal Munubo advocates cohabitation between artisanal mining and industrial exploitation if we wants to be realistic . But , with the purpose to limit artisanal mining in favor of the industry .

The same agency reports that officials from various observatories Natural Resources ( ORN ) of the CERN from various dioceses of the DRC , from 20 to 24 January 2014 in Kinshasa, participated in an evaluation workshop and orientation of their different activities.

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