jeudi 15 août 2013

DRC natural resources press review of Thursday, August 15, 2013

Radio Okapi reports that the company Oil of DRC closed its research of oil in blocks 1 and 2 Lake Albert (Eastern Province). The head of this company in Ituri, Jules Ibiliabo, announced Tuesday, August 13 in Bunia. He noted that the data from this research will be analyzed in the laboratory to determine whether there exists an oil in these blocks. This phase of research conducted by the Canadian firm Tesla was held on the farm land Kasenyi and Lake Albert in Djugu and Irumu. Jules Ibiliabo said that the results of this research will be available in three months. If the presence of oil in this region is certified Oil of DRC could start exploration in early 2014.

The Manchette newspaper informs the cuff as assistant DG Mining Cadastre (CAMI) think it necessary that the mining sector is managed in accordance with the law to allow the increase in revenues in the sector by increasing the value merchant products. It is in this sense he called Entities Treatment (ET) to comply with the law to ensure good supply of these products in their ET. It was during the fourth edition of the symposium held at the mining FIKIN from August 7 to 10, 2013.
The same media reports that residents of Kolwezi in Katanga can now breathe clean air. In this town 300 miles northwest of Lubumbashi, the hundreds of warehouses ore placed in residential areas have all been transposed to Musompo, furnished 15 km east of the city.

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